Sunday, June 6, 2010

Marley and Gumbeax meet....

Well today I brought Gumbeaux home. He is a 7 month old Olde English Bull Dog and the sweetest baby boy ever. My niece called a few days ago asking if I would be interested in taking him, his owner was keeping him in a kennel 8 plus hours a day and he was taking to chewing things to show his frustration. I was of course very excited as I already have an almost 5 year old female Olde English Bull Dog named Marley. What great company he would be for her and since I am home all the time he would have so much love and attention. Not to mention I have two teenage boys and a house full of their friends 24/7. So of course we took him in.

I met my niece at my moms and picked up Gumbeaux. A beautiful light brindle and white 4 legged sexy beast and it was love at first site. Well, for me it was love at first site. lol Getting him home it was another story. Marley isn't so sure about Mr. Gumbeaux. She doesn't want him near her human, my 15 year old son Damian who is Marley's whole world. You have to understand Marley and Damian are a matched set where he goes she goes. They share everything and I do mean everything. Once they shared one of those pig ear dog treats I thought I was gonna puke seeing that. They sleep together, play together even bathe together. So Marley was on Guard from the minute Mr. Man step in the front door. No new dog was coming near her human and she was ready to protect him at all costs.

She staked herself in front of the sofa where Damian was sitting and marched back and forth showing Gumbeaux who was boss. He would come in to get some love and the teeth would come out on Marley dog. I of course was so worried that this wasn't going to work. Marley has been a member of the family for so long I don't want to see her unhappy. Well this went on all day, Gumbeaux going in for some love and Marley letting him know that wasn't going to happen. I'm writing this on day 2 and they are still at a stand still.

Poor Gumbeaux couldn't get any Damian love and he was missing his previous owner. Poor baby cried and whined I just didn't know what to do, I hurt for him and I don't want to see him unhappy. I decided that maybe the answer would be my oldest son Ryan. So I called him in and said you need to love on Gumbeaux so he knows he's part of the family. He didn't want to come to me at this point he wanted Damian so I figured maybe he needs a kid right? Well he was still whining and it was time for me to get ready as I had plans.

I get back from going out and when I get home the first thing on my mind of course is how is Gumbeaux. I looked all over the house and couldn't find him so I checked Ryan's room and sure enough there is Gumbeaux cuddled up to Ryan and sleeping. He finally looked like he was happy, there he was snoring and cuddling. What a relief finally a sign that this just might work out after all.


  1. Ohhhh I didn't realize Gumbeaux is so young! I bet he and Marley will settle in and she will get used to him and they will become lifelong friends :)

  2. I'm really hoping they will be best of friends. In the mean time they are keeping us all busy breaking up fights and trying to teach them to share. When people say dogs are like kids they are so right about that.
